

      2 min Read

      Raising The Bar on Justice: The $2.8 Million Difference

      by Sumeet Kaul

      Raising The Bar on Justice: The $2.8 Million Difference

      In 2022 Sumeet Kaul of the Morgan & Morgan Tampa office settled a car accident case for $3.25M. The case originated from a local law firm, who reached out to Morgan & Morgan when negotiations stalled at $450,000. Agreeing to co-counsel with Morgan & Morgan led to a 622% increase in settlement value and provided our client with the compensation they deserved.

      Fee Comparison


      The case was complicated: liability was unclear, injuries were significant, and the opposing counsel was stubborn. However, we knew our client needed more to get his life back on track.

      We proceeded to apply our winning formula. Our deep network of experts were called in to determine liability and damages. Our decades of institutional knowledge and precedent enabled us to establish the case's true value. And the threat of going up against some of the nation’s top trial attorneys in court was enough to get opposing counsel to agree to fair compensation.

      The most remarkable thing about this case is how unremarkable it is. For Morgan & Morgan, $1M+ verdict and settlements are just another day’s work.

      A case’s recovery potential could be much larger than you think.

      As a member of The Morgan Connection network, you have exclusive access to the resources that fuel our success. We offer free, no-commitment, zero-obligation case evaluation to determine the value of your catastrophic and commercial cases.

      How It Works

      1. Review your current inventory to identify cases that meet catastrophic or commercial criteria (list below).
      2. Complete our case evaluation form.
      3. Our attorneys assess the value of your case.
      4. You receive a case evaluation report.
      5. Opt into a co-counsel or referral agreement with a negotiated fee.

      Flexible Referral & Co-Counsel Partnership Opportunities

      • Competitive fees
      • Past expenses covered
      • Cases evaluated at any point of the litigation process, even right before trial
      • Save on the time, hassle, and money of working up a case

      Catastrophic & Commercial Case Criteria

      Case should include one or more of the following:

      • Clear Liability
      • Greater than $500,000 in past Medical Bills
      • Commercial Policy
      • Neck or Back Surgery
      • Invasive Procedure
      • Traumatic Brain Injury
      • Herniated Disc
      • Pain Management / Injections
      • Broken Bones
      • Spinal Injury
      • Death